CFP Deadline: 31 March 2019

The South African Society for Research in Music (SASRIM) invites contributions for its 2019 congress, hosted by the Music Department, Stellenbosch University. The keynote address will be delivered by Professor Christine Lucia (Africa Open Institute, Stellenbosch University).

SASRIM encourages the submission of a wide variety of proposals, including those that explore alternative formats, disciplinary intersections, and the convergences and divergences between performance and/as research. Coinciding with the congress will be a two-day workshop in big band composition, arrangement, and performance; further details will be communicated early in 2019.

All proposals will be assessed individually, without privileging particular subjects or methodologies.

The society extends a special invitation to undergraduate and postgraduate students to submit proposals. Depending on the availability of funding, students whose proposals are accepted may apply to SASRIM for financial support towards travel and accommodation.

SASRIM invites proposals in a wide range of formats including:

  • papers (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion)
  • lecture-demonstrations (45 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion)
  • panels (45 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion)
  • performances and/or demonstrations (20 – 45 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion)
  • workshops
  • exhibitions, film screenings and poster presentations

All proposals must be submitted as a word document and should include:

  • an abstract with title (not exceeding 300 words)
  • biographical note (not exceeding 50 words), e-mail address and phone number of presenter(s)
  • audio-visual or display requirements
  • any additional requirements (instruments, equipment etc.)

Proposals for panel discussions, performances, demonstrations, workshops and film screenings must include:

  • a title, description of individual contributions and overarching theme[s] (450 words)
  • proposed duration in the case of workshops, film screenings and panels
  • biographical information, institutional affiliation and contact details for all participants
  • audio-visual or display requirements
  • any additional requirements (instruments, equipment etc).

Proposals must be submitted to no later than 31 March 2019. The programme committee expects to contact all applicants with a final decision by 1 May 2019.

Programme Committee: Lizabé Lambrechts (convenor), Carina Venter, Lindelwa Dalamba, Michael Okantah.

Keynote Speaker: Professor Christine Lucia

Born in London, Christine Lucia immigrated to South Africa in 1974 and from the late 1970s to early 1990s taught music at the Diocesan School for Girls (Grahamstown), Rhodes University, Natal University (as it was then was), and the University of Durban-Westville (UDW). Throughout this period she was active as a concert pianist and was an SABC recording artist, and concerto soloist with the Kwa-Zulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra. As Head of Music at UDW 1989-1995, Rhodes 1997-2002 and Wits 2002-2003, Lucia managed changes in degree programmes and curricula and taught music history, music theory and musicology. Aside from academic publications, she has published four short stories and is a member of the London Writers’ Café. Christine Lucia spear-headed an NRF-funded ‘Theorizing the Global South’ project at Wits in 2006-2007, edited SAMUS from 2004- 2008, was Extraordinary Professor in the Music Department at Stellenbosch University from 2009-2014, and since 2016 has been Honorary Professor at Africa Open Institute. She has published The World of South African Music: A Reader (2005) and Music Notation: A South African Guide (2011), as well as academic articles and book chapters. She established the website in 2012, which houses the Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa Critical Edition in Six Volumes, revised in 2016 for CD-ROM and re-published for SAMUS in 2018. This won a National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences award in 2018 for ‘Best Digital Humanities Project for Community Engagement’. She also produced the CD African Choral Heritage: Recordings of Joshua Pulumo Mohapeloa in 2013. In progress on a new site currently being developed out of the ACE website are two other editions: the Surendran Reddy Performing Edition and the Andrew Mellon M.M. Moerane Critical Edition, researched and edited in collaboration with students and colleagues at the Africa Open Institute. Over the past twenty years Lucia has mentored, supervised, or examined many postgraduate students and acts as a reviewer for national and international journals and publishers.

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